About Take Control
Take Control is a unique program available in Medina County to help teen drivers gain the experience and confidence they need in difficult driving situations. New drivers have learned the rules of the road but now it is time to put them in real situations with police officers to help them learn the skills they would otherwise learn through trial and error.
Thank you to the support of our sponsors, Ehrbar Angels Foundation, Mstar Foundation, Jessica Lynn Schaffer Memorial Fund, Westfield Insurance, Medina County Career Center, Judge Kevin Dunn of the Medina County Juvenile Courts and the State of Ohio, Department of Public Safety we are able to offer this program free-of-charge to participants. It may also give participants a discount on their auto insurance.
Take Control is an expansion of the Medina County Juvenile Diversion program. While focusing on Medina County teens, the program is open to any teen driver who wants to learn how to be a safer and better driver. Through the generous support of our sponsors, the Take Control class is available the third Saturday of each month at the Medina County Career Center, 1101 W. Liberty St., Medina OH 44256.
Check out this video to understand more about Take Control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vfZ2Fc6q1Q
Thank You to Our Sponsors!

You passed Drivers Ed. You passed your road test. But are you really prepared to drive yourself, your family, and your friends? What can you do to take control?
Call the Take Control Voice Mail (330) 722-9333. Be prepared to provide your e-mail address in order for waiver and release forms to be provided. Space is limited. Medina County residents are given priority; out of county participants are considered as space allows.
Participants Must:
Have a valid driver’s license
Be between the ages of 16 & 19
$0 (donations accepted). Similar advanced driver training courses typically cost $250 or more, but Medina County offers training for free! Donations can be made to Medina County Sheriff’s Office, memo: Take Control.
Dates, Location, and Time
Offered the third Saturday of each month from 9 a.m.—12 p.m. at the Medina County Career Center, 1101 W. Liberty St., Medina OH.
Weather Policy and Dress
Rain, shine or snow. Dress appropriately for weather as part of class is conducted outside. Do not wear sandals, flip flops, or heels.
Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to observe the program; parents are not able to participate in the driving portion of the class. Parents wishing to observe should bring a chair as there are areas near the driving pad to safely watch from out of the way.
You may be eligible for a discount on car insurance for attending this defensive driving program! Some restrictions may apply. Check with your agent to determine if a discount is offered and if your household is eligible.